At the age of four, Landon is really making connections about the ways of the world. He's so wise and smart for his age. And he forgets NOTHING!!!!!
So one day last week, we were sitting on the porch trying to cool off. Landon had filled a cup up with water from the waterhose and was sipping on it. Here's how the conversation went down:
Landon: So water is good for us mommy? It makes us feel better when we drink it.
Me: Yep, that's right honey. It is so hot right now, it makes us sweat out water. So when we sweat, it's important to drink some water to replace our sweat, so we don't feel bad.
Landon: Yeah, it keeps us hydrated.
Me: Thinking, "What did my baby just say????" Landon, how did you know that?!
Landon: I don't know mama. I just know these thangs.
Me: Well, did you know that if there was NOOOOO water on the planet that we would all die??
Landon: We would die mama? (after a few moments of turning the wheels in his brain) Well mama, would we all die if we didn't have chocolate milk?
He had the most serious look on his face and I just laughed and laughed! I told him no, of course, but in joking with him I said, "But you might Landawg! You love your chocolate milk soooo much!" Landon's response : "YEP!"
On this same occassion, we talked about dinosaurs being extinct. Then we talked about endangered animals. Well having that four year-old brain, he asked, "Are elephants distinct?" I told him no. So he said, "Well where ARE they??" That was a good question. He's never seen elephants roaming around so I guess he though they were "distinct." He now knows that the elephants live in Africa
Oh I just love being a Mommy! Landon's at such a good, fun age!! He wants to know sooooo much, so we tell him as much as we can as long as it's age appropriate ;)
I can't wait for my baby to start preschool in the Fall. He's never been to a preschool before, so it might take him a while to adjust. Man, next year he goes to KINDERGARTEN!!!
Well, that's all for now! I'm gonna end on a happy note: God is Great!!!
So glad to see you joined the world of blogging, Lauren! Love these conversations! So cute!